Our Office has received a crisis-proofness certificate!

According to the certificate, Target Consulting Ltd. is a stable player in business: from a risk point of view, it is one of the most reliable and extremely low-risk companies, and its ability to withstand stress in the event of an economic downturn is stronger than average. Our company has been described by Opten Kft. as having excellent crisis-proofness.
The crisis-proofness index is an industry-independent, general composite indicator that focuses on financial and other company data that is high in the event of an economic downturn, while OPTEN Kft.'s risk rating is a nationwide company rating methodology that uses state-of-the-art data mining algorithms.
The risk classification of OPTEN Kft. is based on a company rating methodology recognized by economists, which is applied taking into account the specifics of the Hungarian market and the latest financial data, as well as company register and various positive-negative information (eg tax-free taxpayer, enforcement).
The model thus ranks companies based on hundreds of variables, taking into account their core business, using state-of-the-art data mining algorithms.
The company information system of OPTEN Kft. Is widely used by Hungarian financial institutions, large companies and SMEs. The risk model characterizes the reliability and stability of rated companies, examining the chances of insolvency occurring.
Taking into account the size of the enterprise (large enterprise, SME, micro enterprise), the following categories have been established:
A - minimal risk
B - below average risk
C - above average risk
D - extremely high risk
Based on this classification, our company received a "A" category rating, which is held by only 13% of Hungarian companies.
We thank all our customers for being one of the most reliable and stable companies thanks to their trust and inquiries!