Tenders Electronic Daily (TED)
Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU
Here are the public procurement procedures whose estimated values reach the so-called EU thresholds.
In the top left corner:
Select „Browse by”, below that:
„Business opportunities”
Then from the middle select Hungary. After that, as a general rule, click “Call for expressions of interest”, as a result of which the public procurement procedures whose estimated values reach the EU thresholds are displayed sorted by appearance in chronological order (at the top the most recent public procurement procedures can be seen).
The aforementioned EU-thresholds are the following:
In the case of classic contracting authorities:
In the case of public supply contracts (for ministries or central purchasing bodies designated by the Government): EUR 139 000, that is HUF 44 279 840;
In the case of public supply contracts (for any other contracting authorities): EUR 214 000, that is HUF 68 171 840.
In the case of service contracts (for ministries or central purchasing bodies designated by the Government): EUR 139 000, that is HUF 44 279 840;
In the case of service contracts (for any other contracting authorities): EUR 214 000, that is HUF 68 171 840.
In the case of contracting the services to be found in Appendix No. 3 of the Act on Public Procurement (Kbt.) and in Appendix No. 14. of 2014/24/EU: EUR 750 000 EUR, that is HUF 238 920 000.
In the case of a public works contracts: EUR 5 350 000 EUR, that is HUF 1 704 296 000.
In the case of public supply contracting entities:
In the case of public supply contracts: EUR 428 000 EUR, that is HUF 136 343 680;
In the case of service contracts: EUR 428 000 EUR, that is HUF 136 343 680;
In the case of contracting the services to be found in Appendix No. 3 of the Kbt. and in Appendix No. 14. of 2014/24/EU: EUR 1 000 000, that is HUF 318 560 000.
In case of a public works contract: EUR 5 350 000 EUR, that is HUF 1 704 296 000.